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The first female Chief Engineer Forum was successfully held in Zhengzhou

Release time: 2023-03-09

They develop with The Times, forge ahead with the motherland, actively participate in the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and promote the high-quality development of China's construction industry。They fully integrate women's "delicate, meticulous and patient" with the "rigorous, innovative and cumbersome" of technical work, interpret extraordinary dedication in ordinary posts, strive to be the first, explore and innovate, and strive to take on the responsibilities of The Times, and bloom the most beautiful youth with struggle。They are the chief engineers of the construction industry - the most beautiful women。

1 Opening Ceremony


On March 8, "March 8 International Working Women's Day", the first female Chief Engineer Forum founded by the Chief Engineer Working Committee of the China Civil Engineering Society was successfully held in Zhengzhou。Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development demarcation division of the second inspector Chen Xin,MAO Yulin, chairman of Beijing MAO Yisheng Science and Technology Education Foundation,Cheng Ying, deputy Secretary General of China Civil Engineering Society,Wang Jifen, vice president of Henan Science and Technology Association,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region housing and urban-rural construction Department of the second inspector Cheng Yun,Wang Haiyun, chairman of Heilongjiang Civil and Architectural Society,Wang Aiju, vice chairman and secretary general of Henan Civil Architecture Society,Wang Hua, vice president of Jiangsu Civil Architecture Society,Luo Linna, secretary general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Engineering Construction Association,总工程师工作委员会理事长毛志兵,Vice chairmen of the General Working Committee Feng Yue, Yang Healthy, Li Juan, Jin Dewei,Secretary General Li Jingfang, Deputy Secretary General Zhao Qiuping and other leaders, experts and construction engineering female chief engineer, female science and technology workers more than 200 people attended the meeting。Wu Zhino, honorary chairman of the General Working Committee, sent a congratulatory letter。

This forum is entitled"Green development enables China to build a quality countryAs the theme, we will deeply implement the spirit of the Party's 20 Major Congresses and promote the high-quality development of the construction industry。会上Issued the Proposal of the First Female Chief Workers Forum。The forum was organized by the Chief Engineer Working Committee of Henan Civil Engineering Society, Gaoxangong Co., LTD and Sinovac Construction Group Co., LTD。Civil engineering lecture Hall, Zhuolong Society, construction technology and other media platforms simultaneously broadcast。


总工程师工作委员会理事长 毛志兵

毛志兵理事长代表主办单位,对出席现场会议及观看在线直播的各位领导、各位嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎。He introduced that the "chief engineer forum" is one of the brand activities that the General Working Committee strives to create, and the creation of the "female chief engineer Forum" is to build a dazzling stage for the majority of female engineers "women do not let the men, sing the roses" to show the charm of "brave bear the great justice of The Times, dedication to the strength of women"。At the same time, it is also a platform for female chief engineers to communicate, learn from each other and connect with each other。He said that in the rapid development process of China's construction industry, the wisdom and sweat of the majority of female engineers are condensed, and the female chief engineer is the elite of female engineers in the new era, with a glorious mission and great responsibility。He hopes that all female chief engineers will take on new missions, explore new paths, practice new requirements, achieve new actions, and contribute to the international development of "China Construction" and a new era。

????_20230309162656.jpgCheng Ying, deputy Secretary General of China Civil Engineering Society

Deputy Secretary-General Cheng Ying, on behalf of China Civil Engineering Society, extended holiday greetings to all female chief workers!Warm congratulations on the successful opening of the Forum.She points out,This year marks the beginning of the process of comprehensively building a modern socialist country,Female chief workers gather together,The first female chief workers Forum was held,Seek high-quality development of construction industry,Set up a new stage to make achievements,Great significance。She hopes that the female chief workers will communicate through the forum,Further understand and recognize the new requirements of high-quality development of construction industry in the new era,Firmly grasp the key to high-quality development,We will earnestly implement the new vision for development,Focus on civil engineering technology innovation under the dual-carbon target,Strengthen innovation drive,We will actively promote the intelligent and digital transformation of the construction industry,We will promote new industrialization and equipment specialization,We will promote green and low-carbon development of the construction industry。

????_20230309162832.jpgMAO Yulin, chairman of Beijing MAO Yisheng Science and Technology Education Foundation

Chairman MAO Yulin, on behalf of Beijing MAO Yisheng Science and Technology Education Foundation, extended festive greetings and best wishes to all the female chief workers,Warm congratulations on the successful opening of this conference!She points out,The Chief Engineer Working Committee Female Chief workers Association provides a broader stage for our majority of female chief workers and female scientific and technological workers to realize their dream of building a career,Groundbreaking significance。今后,It is hoped that all female chief engineers will continue to practice the Chinese scientist spirit of "patriotism, innovation, truth-seeking, dedication, collaboration and education",Give full play to the advantages of women's rigorous focus, self-improvement and tenacity,Based on one's own position,Innovative practice,Climb the scientific and technological heights,Depict thousands of buildings with flexible beauty,Interpret the responsibility of builders。


Wang Jifen, member of Party Group and Vice Chairman of Henan Association for Science and Technology

Vice Chairman Wang Jifen, on behalf of Henan Provincial Association for Science and Technology, expressed heartfelt thanks to China Civil Engineering Society for its concern and support for Henan's development。She says,The Association for Science and Technology is the bridge between the Party and the government and the scientific and technological workers,In the future, we will continue to support the innovative development of the provincial Civil Construction Society,The provincial Women's Federation will further care for and support the growth of female science and technology workers,Strive to build a broad stage for female scientific and technological workers to make contributions,To write a new era of Central Plains more brilliant chapter contribution to women's strength。


Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development demarcation division of the second inspector Chen Xin

Inspector Chen Xin congratulated on the opening of the forum。She said that the convening of this forum has opened a new stage for the career development of female chief engineers, set a new goal, and drawn a blueprint for "the women's achievements' Fourteen Fifth Plan 'to forge a new journey together.。She stressed that the majority of female science and technology workers should keep up with the pace of development of The Times, deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy, continue to improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation, contribute to promoting China's construction to high-end and to the world, and make new contributions to promoting the implementation of the Party's 20 spirit in the field of housing and urban and rural construction。

Conference site atlas


2 Academic Conference


Wang Cuikun, chief scientist of China Academy of Building Science

Topic: Development and Prospect of building structure design in China

Abstract: Combine the development status and characteristics of building structure in our country,The development and application of structural related technologies such as vibration reduction and isolation technology, application of new high-strength materials, structural wind resistance technology and digital technology are introduced,For the needs of high-quality development stage in the new era and future industry development,Combined with the reform of standard system and the development of structural technology, it is expected。


Cao Xinhong, Deputy general manager of Science, Technology and digitalization Department of China Communications Group and China Communications Construction

Report title: China's Road and bridge construction achievements and new technology prospects

Abstract: This paper introduces the great achievements and technical achievements in the field of transportation infrastructure construction in China, shares experience, analyzes the challenges and problems faced, and looks forward to the future development prospects and efforts。


China Construction First Group Third Construction Co., LTD. Deputy general manager, chief engineer Mei Xiaoli

Report title: Comprehensive management technology of mountain, water, forest, farmland, lake, grass and sand in Wuliang Suhai Basin

内容摘要:习总书记对乌梁素海治理曾作过多次指示批示,并在二十大报告中再次提及“坚持山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和系统治理”。China Construction Bureau Wuliangsuhai Basin ecological protection and restoration project, adhere to the "lake problem, the source is on the shore" governance concept, around the "mountain, water, forest, field, lake, grass, sand" 7 ecological elements, to the Wuliangsuhai basin 1.Systematic governance has been implemented across 630,000 square kilometers。


Zhengzhou University First Affiliated Hospital endocrinology professor, chief physician Zheng Lili

Topic: How to Protect Your Blood Vessels

Abstract: Blood vessel is a closed pipeline system of the human body, distributed in all parts of the human body, the main function of the blood vessel system is material transport and endocrine function, participate in the regulation of a variety of functions of the body。It is important to protect blood vessel health and prevent related diseases。

Conference site atlas


3 Read the proposal


Wang Meihua, executive director of the General Working Committee and deputy chief engineer of Shanghai Construction Engineering Group Co., LTD

Wang Meihua, deputy chief engineer, read out the proposal of the First Female Chief Engineer Forum, proposing that the majority of female engineers write women's responsibilities in the struggle, make greater contributions to the construction of a quality power, the high-quality development of the industry, and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!




Finally, this forum came to a successful end after celebrating the "38" fraternity。

Conference site atlas




Effort and progress are not discouraged and confident

Through a thousand waves and still love

Everything grows apart from the spring breeze

All the past is prologue

I sincerely wish all female chief workers and female compatriots a happy holiday!Looking forward to our next meeting。

About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

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